Friday, December 19, 2008
We got a new family member this year, his name is Buddy, he is an elf that watches to make sure we are all being good!! He moves mysteriously every night to check up on us without our knowing where he will be. Brigitte has been performing with her school choir all month, and finally finished her last concert yesterday!
Brigitte will not be competing in the winter games this year, we feel like it is just too much to add on right now, so she has been working on her skills and just got her loop down! I wish I could tell you what kind of jump that is, but they all kinda look the same to me!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Brigitte performed with her choir at the lighting ceremony at our local park. This week she is going to perform at the festival of the trees, and next week they are going to a retirement home. She has really enjoyed this opportunity, and I know she isn't tone deaf since she is constantly asking me not to sing along.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing Christmas!! (Is that an oxymoron?!)
Monday, November 17, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008
This week's questions
What are you most grateful for at this very moment? Peace and calm in my life right now!!!
Did this week's election results leave you feeling optimistic, pesimistic, or neither? Answer even if you aren't a U.S. citizen. Neither, I really didn't feel strongly in favor of either candidate, I just hope we are able to improve on the current state of affairs with this new prez!
Name five meals you repeatedly have for dinner over and over. Fettucine Alfredo, meatballs, chicken gravy w/rice, confetti spaghetti and veggie lo mein
Midnight Snack
If you had a robot to help around the house, what three jobs would you have them do? What are three jobs you would not let them do? Floors, bathrooms and changing bed linens--I don't think there is anything I wouldn't let them do except maybe dishes after Thanksgiving, totally don't want to walk in and see any broken dishes!!
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Stop and breathe. Maybe that will help my mind catch up and I will quit forgetting everything!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thursday is already here again and time for
Thankful Thursday
1. I am thankful for the right to vote!!! I hope all of you out there did!
2. I am thankful for my very cute nieces and nephews! Especially when I get to watch them!!
3. I am thankful for my husband's willingness to help out with whatever I need!
4. I am thankful we are setting my mom's headstone today, it will help me feel better!
5. I am thankful for a headstrong daughter, she isn't easy to talk into things she doesn't want to do!!
6. I am thankful for snow! I know that's crazy but we do need the water and it makes things feel really beautiful and peaceful, don't believe me? Try a walk in the snow, you hardly even hear the cars passing!
7. I am thankful for my fireplace!
8. I am thankful to be able to cook dinner for my family most nights!! John is thankful for the leftovers on the other nights!
9. I am thankful for my activity day girls and their willingness to help others!
10. I am thankful for the comfort of the gospel in my life!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
1. Stephanie, my hair stylist, for the cute new cut!
2. lower gas prices!!
3. family home evening with extended family
4. a home to come home to
5. the right to vote
6. a warm coat, especially at the ice rink!
7. new friends
8. my job
9. cell phones
Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

I love my family room. Everything is done here, reading, playing video games, watching movies and family game nights.
I would think he would be a 75 watt. He really keeps us going, but he doesn't like the attention for it. He likes to kind of be in the background.
Eating anything disgusting.
Reading, I can go anywhere in a book, see anything or be anybody for a small time.

1. Right now, I'm feeling relaxed.
2. Home is where I want to be.
3. How does one find time for everything that needs to be done and still be a good parent?
4. My husband keeps me on track.
5. Please don't be rude while driving, others are sharing the road with you.
6. My daughter's laughter fills me with joy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a halloween party, tomorrow my plans include work and Sunday, I want to rest, but I will work again!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What am I thankful for this week?!

2. Computers!!! (they make #1 easier)
3. Autumn
4. Family!!!!

6. pumpkin patches

8. hot water and bubble baths

10. good dreams

What could lead an otherwise sane woman to rip out all her lush, beautiful hair?

I finally figured out why computers and typewriters have become so mainstream in our lives, its the only way we can communicate!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008
Would you rather be really hot or really cold?
Hot without doubt!!! Cold is absolutely miserable!
Name three things (modern conveniences) you could not live without?
Indoor plumbing, cars, phones
If you were the eighth dwarf, what would your name be?
Midnight Snack
Would you rather live to be 100 and sick, or live to be 50 (dying from a freak accident) and healthy?
If I had to choose, I would rather be healthy and die at 50 than not have any quality of life! My real choice is a little of both. I would like to be healthy and live to 100!
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
Be still
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I am thankful for my new nephew Ethan!!! Congratulations Joy!! My sister-in-law lives in Taiwan and just had her first baby!! To see pictures and read all about it you can go to her blog here!!
1. I am thankful there have been no catastrophies this week!
2. I am thankful for the new DMV in Farmington, it only took two minutes to register a vehicle!
3. I am thankful for my dad!!! Happy Birthday yesterday!!
4. I am thankful to live in Utah where we experience the seasons.
5. I am thankful Brigitte loves to ice skate! (Even while freezing to death!)
6. I am thankful for my extended family!!
7. I am thankful for my handy husband!!
8. I am thankful Brigitte is healthy.
9. I am thankful for the opportunity to volunteer at school!
10. I am thankful for laughter!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

What about trick or treating? What other time of the year do we allow our kids to walk around the neighborhood and knock on doors to ask for candy?! What isn't great about a holiday that focuses on sweets?!
Isn't it fun to go to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin then the carving is an adventure in itself. There is something about cleaning out the insides that really gets the halloween spirit going, something about pumpkin guts. What would fall be without harvest stews and roasted pumpkin seeds?
Ah, fall!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
This week's questions
What is one thing you look forward to each day? Each week?
I really look forward to time with my family, whenever I might get it.
Are you a hoarder or a chucker?
Definitely a chucker, sometimes to my own detriment. I often throw things away I later wish I had kept.
Do your dinner meals consist mostly of home cooked meals, convenience foods (i.e. boxed, frozen, heat & serve, etc.), or fast food? Who does most of the cooking in your home?
Mostly home cooked meals. Sometimes convenience foods, we almost never eat out. I usually do the cooking in my house, although Brigitte has really started to spread her wings and helps with dinner lots of times.
Midnight Snack
Has the rising cost of gasoline caused you to restrict, limit, or alter anything in your life? If so what?
We really haven't restricted anything.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
Remember, in a year I will be laughing about almost everything happening now!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
1. I have eyes to see the leaves change colors.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008
While in Jackson, we went into Teton national forest, and did the hike at Jenny Lake into Hidden Falls. The sign says it is 2 1/2 miles, but it doesn't say how tough a hike it is!!

We also went to the Bar J Chuckwagon dinner.

Overall, it was a great weekend for all!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
1. He looks great in a pair of jeans!!! (that one is for my mom)
2. He is an incredible father and Brigitte adores him.
3. He reminds me to laugh!!
4. He does all the vacuuming in our house!!!
5. He can fix a leaky toilet and a damaged ceiling!
6. He is always up for whatever crazy idea I might get
7. He never makes me feel bad when I don't clean the house! He takes me out to dinner cuz he figures I've had a day!!
8. He thinks my cooking is better than his mother's.
9. He gives the best homework help so I don't have to.
10. He always plays (and fights) fair.
So this weekend we are off to Jackson Hole to celebrate. Thank heavens John's sister Kathy and her husband are willing to add one more child for a few days. Of course after nine what's one more!?
Brigitte has her first ice skating competition of the season on the 19th and 20th in Park City. She has been training really hard and she is really looking strong! That means lots of extra time the ice rink for me and John while she has been practicing. As soon as she gets out of school we are off to the rink to practice. Hockey moms will know this too, ice is never available when it would be convenient to take kids, only at really odd times throughout the day, and especially for hockey players, the night! Her competition falls during school on friday and then late saturday night. Who the heck schedules these things. My brothers hockey games were always really late at night when he was in high school. What are people thinking? It is my guess they have the same problem I do in an ice rink. It is so cold everything freezes up, including my brain until I can go outside to warm up and defrost! Anyway, she is doing to routines, one is to music from a video game, and then her showcase number is to "It's a Hard Knock Life". She is really excited to skate at the competition and we wish her luck!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Last night we went out to dinner with Britt and Hunter and then went to a movie in the park in South Weber, they were playing "Enchanted", how could we miss McDreamy?! Most of the evening was wonderful, but then the wind started to blow (I know it's South Weber, what did I expect). We left a little early (11:00) just cuz everyone was beat, the wind was getting pretty strong, and believe it or not it was getting kinda chilly. The kids really enjoyed playing in the park while we waited for the movie to start, then we got to have Hunter spend the night!! Too cool since we haven't seen him for a while.
We have a brand new toilet in the bathroom and we are just finishing painting the ceiling. Finally a house back in one piece, at least for a bit!
Adam and Maria went back to Ecuador on Wednesday, July 30. It was lots of fun having them here, and trying out all of Maria's fabulous dinners! We hope they are enjoying being home again. The extreme heat was a little hard for Maria to get used to. They live in Quito and it is usually in the 70's. She said they don't need air conditioners, but it does get cold at night.
I can't believe August is already here and we are off today to go and find school clothes!! We are going to have a fun girl's day out with just me and Brigitte. She really wants to stop at Lagoon and go on "Wicked" again. Where did this daredevil girl come from?
Friday, July 25, 2008
What a week!! On tuesday I got home from work to discover a swimming pool in my kitchen, water was dripping from the droopy ceiling and light fixture over our island. Ugh!!! My biggest worry was we just laid new hardwood floors in the adjoining dining room that had not yet been sealed, yikes. Luckily, the water hadn't spread that far yet. Our toilet in Brigitte's bathroom cracked from the top of the tank all the way to the bottom and from the look of things, it had been pouring out for several hours. One new toilet and several hours worth of clean up later and the bathroom is back in tiptop shape. The kitchen ceiling is just waiting for a little sanding and then texture and paint, and the hardwood floors that were supposed to be finished by now are still waiting for their final finishing touches. I was feeling kinda put out until we watched the news on tuesday night and saw some people in Salt Lake with 6 feet of water in their basements from the heavy rain that afternoon. That sure put things into perspective and helped remind us we are really very lucky, after all it could have been out of the toilet bowl, ick!!!