Extra! Extra! Read All About It!!
Hair Raising Experience at local Elementary

Mother Shows up at Child's School....Bald!!
What could lead an otherwise sane woman to rip out all her lush, beautiful hair?
What could lead an otherwise sane woman to rip out all her lush, beautiful hair?
Since Brigitte went into public school I really haven't had to volunteer more than once or twice a year in the classroom, especially with my crazy hours. Well that came to a screeching halt this year!!! Her teachers have created a class paper and I get to be the editor-in-chief! I have to assign all the kids a story, help them write it and then compile it into a newspaper, then print and copy it for all!! Now I know why editors are so grumpy! 

The first edition is now hot off the presses and will be available in the classroom tomorrow morning! It's truly amazing the variety of interests these kids have!!! Some are very neat with their stories, others I don't know about, I couldn't read their writitng to determine how good the story was or wasn't. One paragraph took me and John an hour to decipher. All you parents out there stress the importance of good handwriting and separation between words!!! Please!!!!
I finally figured out why computers and typewriters have become so mainstream in our lives, its the only way we can communicate!!!

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