How crazy is it to stay home sick because you are actually sick?! I thought sick days were more to recharge the battery to stay well!!! O.k., maybe not, it just seemed better to be sick when I was little and my mom would make "sick soup" and let me lay on the couch and watch t.v. all day. Something about having to take care of yourself makes being sick even less fun. Plus, when did daytime t.v. become so completely horrible?! I would read if I could get rid of this sinus headache. It's a good thing I have a great library of disney movies. The only problem with those is, every couple of hours I have to move to change the video. Now I am starting to see the intelligence behind the multiple dvd players!!! They must have been invented while someone was home on a real sick day. And employers don't think anything productive comes from people staying home! Ah ha! Sick days are therefore good for business!!! Everybody take more sick days!!
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