Ah fall!!! My favorite time of year. There is just something about the air, crisp in the morning, awesome during the day and cool at night. Leaves changing color and falling to the ground to crunch under feet, piles for kids to jump in, while raking isn't so fun the rest is an amazing experience. Isn't it great our kids can enjoy these things?! The excitement of picking out a halloween costume is something that lasts all year long at our home. Brigitte takes all year long thinking about what she will be. Maybe that is just a way to convince me to buy more dress-up!!! Hmmmmm!!! I knew there had to be an ulterior motive!!
What about trick or treating? What other time of the year do we allow our kids to walk around the neighborhood and knock on doors to ask for candy?! What isn't great about a holiday that focuses on sweets?!
Isn't it fun to go to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin then the carving is an adventure in itself. There is something about cleaning out the insides that really gets the halloween spirit going, something about pumpkin guts. What would fall be without harvest stews and roasted pumpkin seeds?
Ah, fall!!!
I love fall too....but not as much as spring. In the fall I KNOW winter is right around the corner but in the spring I KNOW it's on its way out!!!!
BUT...Halloween IS my favorite time of year!
SO what is Brigitte going to be?????
She is going to be a ninja!!! What happened to my little princess?
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