First thing first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIGITTE!!!!! I can't believe she is already nine years old!!! I am so grateful everyday for your sweetness, sauciness and attitude!! Thank you for being my daughter!
What a week!! On tuesday I got home from work to discover a swimming pool in my kitchen, water was dripping from the droopy ceiling and light fixture over our island. Ugh!!! My biggest worry was we just laid new hardwood floors in the adjoining dining room that had not yet been sealed, yikes. Luckily, the water hadn't spread that far yet. Our toilet in Brigitte's bathroom cracked from the top of the tank all the way to the bottom and from the look of things, it had been pouring out for several hours. One new toilet and several hours worth of clean up later and the bathroom is back in tiptop shape. The kitchen ceiling is just waiting for a little sanding and then texture and paint, and the hardwood floors that were supposed to be finished by now are still waiting for their final finishing touches. I was feeling kinda put out until we watched the news on tuesday night and saw some people in Salt Lake with 6 feet of water in their basements from the heavy rain that afternoon. That sure put things into perspective and helped remind us we are really very lucky, after all it could have been out of the toilet bowl, ick!!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Yipee!!! We survived one very busy week!! Friday John and I went golfing, and as soon as we were done there we went to Meek's Cabin to go camping with John's family and Brigitte took a ride on the lake in a kayak. Then Saturday morning it was off to Robertson, WY for the family reunion. As soon as we were done there it was back here to clean up and unload, then run off to N.O. for Dean and Suz's 50th Anniversary open house, which was beautiful by the way!!
Later that night I was up sicker than could be, I didn't know kidney beans came out the same way they went in, need I say more?! Anyway, since I ended up with a little case of food poisoning after Saturdays potluck picnic at the reunion I took Sunday off of work. This is my last week on this schedule then I get to go to Thur/Fri off. Our family is really looking forward to it.
This weekend we have a dutch oven cookout at my dad's in Wyoming and Brigitte is back into ice skating lessons on Friday.
Brigitte and Aunt Jennie
Family at the lake
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Hope you all had a great fourth of July!! We sure did, John ran the North Ogden 5k and Brigitte was in the kids parade. What a great holiday!! You get to eat fabulous food, spend the whole day with family, and it is warm enough to be outside the entire day, while we celebrate this great country we live in!!!
And who doesn't like a parade?
We were lucky enough to hang out with John's nephews, Isaac and Porter. Porter wouldn't go down our slide on his rear, only on his tummy!! Too cute! Isaac loved the swings and the sandbox the most, well besides Uncle John!
John surprised me and bought "Rock Band". Yes I failed miserably at singing, guess your supposed to be able to hit notes. Hard to do when you are completely tone deaf!! Brigitte is m
uch better at the singing than me, but I play a mean drum solo!
At the end of the week we are off to Wyoming for a family reunion, then back here for Aunt Suz's 50th Anniversary party!! What an amazing accomplishment, Dean and Suz you are awesome, congratulations!!! We love you guys!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Adam and Maria are here! They got in last night (or this morning) around 1:00 am. This morning they showed me some of their pictures from their trip to the Galapogos Islands. It looks so incredibly gorgeous and you would not believe all the iguanas, sea lions, turtles and even sharks they saw up close. Definitely one of the places to put on our vacation list.
We went and saw the "Kit" movie and it was so much fun. I think it is the best American girl movie yet. All the girls brought their friends with them.
I was able to finish my chairs. Here are the before and afters of those. They were white with blue seats, now they are black with yellow seats. They look nice for a change, and the seats were really in need of being redone.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Brigitte is really enjoying her ice capades summer camp this week and tomorrow we are going to see the new american girl movie "Kit Kittredge". Cyndi and Madysen will go with us, as well as the girls american girl dolls. Then next week Cyndi, Melina, Rebecca and myself will all be attending an American Mothers Inc. thing together at Maddox, yummy!!!!
Last night I worked my second mid in a row and then I have the rest of today and tomorrow off and then more overtime Thursday night. This is my last scheduled overtime until I start my new schedule July 20 so that should be a nice break. At least I should have a chance to visit with Adam and Maria a little while they are here.
I was also hoping to be able to finish painting cabinets, then there are chairs to repaint and reupholster, and always smaller projects waiting to be finished. Is it just me or does everyone else seem to overshedule themselves too!!! Next week I am on my own with activity days, since my partner is having her new baby, yeah!!! I keep trying to remember this will all end soon enough and then I will be wishing for more to do. It's the neverending cycle of too much and not enough that seems to be the way things work for me.
While John's work slows down here in a few weeks, I am hoping to be able to play some golf with him. I am just beginning to learn, but it is sooooo much fun! Talitha is just getting into it too, so we hope to be able to go out together a few times this summer.
Brigitte and I are trying to get ready to run a 5k in august, so last night we ran to the park and then played frisbee with some of her friends before I left for work. She really did awesome on the way down. The way home was a little more difficult. Tonight we will ride our bikes to prepare for the 10 mile ride on July 24th in Kaysville. Summer is supposed to be more active, wouldn't want anyone to be too bored!
With so much to do I try to remember to "simplify"!! Not always easy, but something I have found really helps keep things in perspective.
Last night I worked my second mid in a row and then I have the rest of today and tomorrow off and then more overtime Thursday night. This is my last scheduled overtime until I start my new schedule July 20 so that should be a nice break. At least I should have a chance to visit with Adam and Maria a little while they are here.
I was also hoping to be able to finish painting cabinets, then there are chairs to repaint and reupholster, and always smaller projects waiting to be finished. Is it just me or does everyone else seem to overshedule themselves too!!! Next week I am on my own with activity days, since my partner is having her new baby, yeah!!! I keep trying to remember this will all end soon enough and then I will be wishing for more to do. It's the neverending cycle of too much and not enough that seems to be the way things work for me.
While John's work slows down here in a few weeks, I am hoping to be able to play some golf with him. I am just beginning to learn, but it is sooooo much fun! Talitha is just getting into it too, so we hope to be able to go out together a few times this summer.
Brigitte and I are trying to get ready to run a 5k in august, so last night we ran to the park and then played frisbee with some of her friends before I left for work. She really did awesome on the way down. The way home was a little more difficult. Tonight we will ride our bikes to prepare for the 10 mile ride on July 24th in Kaysville. Summer is supposed to be more active, wouldn't want anyone to be too bored!
With so much to do I try to remember to "simplify"!! Not always easy, but something I have found really helps keep things in perspective.
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